Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Today's cutting-edge, rigorous and relevant Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares middle, high school and and adult students for high-skill, high-wage and high-demand careers. Career and technical education is a smart investment for all students.
Career Dual Enrollment
Career Dual Enrollment is an articulated acceleration option available to Santa Rosa 9th-12th grade students who enroll in postsecondary courses through Locklin Technical College enabling them to receive both secondary and postsecondary credit. Career Dual Enrollment broadens curricular options, increases depth of study available to students and shortens the time it takes to complete a postsecondary career preparatory program. Santa Rosa currently has a variety of models in place for delivery of Career Dual Enrollment courses taught by Locklin Technical College teachers on the high school campus, at the tech center and on-line. Rigorous curricular offerings engage students, allow hands-on application of learning and increase high school graduation rates. A significant advantage to students and their parents exemption from registration, tuition and lab fees associated with often costly career postsecondary training programs, many of which cost up to $10,000 after high school. For more information on career dual enrollment, consult your zoned high school's guidance counselor today.
Santa Rosa Career Pathways On-line Resource
Santa Rosa Career Pathways showcases local career opportunities, expected wages and the career pathways, training, and degree programs in our community. This collaborative effort is a partnership between Santa Rosa Economic Development and the Santa Rosa County School District Workforce Education Department.
My Next Move
Check out My Next Move, an assessment tool offered by the U.S. Department of Labor to explore careers by keyword, industry or interest.
My Next Move
Check out My Next Move, an assessment tool offered by the U.S. Department of Labor to explore careers by keyword, industry or interest.
College Cost Savings through Industry CertificationParents have the opportunity for college tuition cost savings for those industry certifications earned by students prior to high school graduation. These cost savings are estimated based on tuition and fees associated with awarded postsecondary credits as a result of Florida’s statewide articulation agreements. Should you have any questions regarding industry certifications or articulation agreements, please contact Santa Rosa District School Department
of Workforce Education at 850-983-5058. |
Employment & Earning OutcomesThere are many factors to consider when exploring education and career choices. Increased levels of educational achievement provide a boost in earning potential – the more you learn, the more you earn. Florida's Economic Security Report focuses on the earning outcomes of recent graduates and from Florida’s public postsecondary educational institutions.
Child Labor WaiverA waiver of the child labor law is needed when minors want to work beyond the limits of the state law. This department is responsible for issuing waivers for those students currently enrolled in the Santa Rosa County School District. The Child Labor Waiver is not a work permit. Work permits are not issued in Florida. The application and instructions for completing the application are readily available.